Immigration and Work Permits

Embracing the spirit globalization, human and business integration at its core, Tanzania allows foreigners to live and work within its borders at any time provided that all the legal procedures and formalities have been complied with.

Any person who wishes to employ or engage a non-citizen in any occupation shall apply for a work permit to the Labour Commissioner prior to the entry by that non-citizen. After obtaining work permit a non-citizen is required to apply for a resident permit with the Director of Immigration Services.

Work permits are of the following classes: Class A and B, issued respectively to self-employed foreigners (owners of the business, Directors) and to foreign employees who possess prescribed profession while Class Cwork permits are issued to foreign employees who are in possession of profession other those in Class B.

Residence Permits are of the following classes: Class A and B, issued respectively to self-employed foreigners (owner of the business, Directors) and for all foreign nationals who wish to be employed in Tanzania.

For more details on the requirements, process and procedures for obtaining work and residence permits or applying for Tanzania citizenship, contact our Team.