Land Ownership

Right to land, regardless the mode upon which the said land is hold (tenure system), is crucial for existence of man and so is to the most businesses or investments. Tanzania recognizes this right and through established mechanism, any person can own land whether a citizen or not.

A myth among many people is that foreigners cannot own land unless they do it only through derivative right granted by the Tanzania Investment Centre by virtue of their investment. This for many reason is wrong and misinterpretation of law. While granted rights/allocation of land to foreigner by the Commissioner for Land is to some extentrestricted, it is by no means the only way of acquiring land rights in Tanzania. There is no restriction to foreigners preferring a lease (of up to 99 years) instead of a grant and also to foreigners whose businesses fall under the prescribed activities including provision of health, education and other social services.

For more details on procedures of acquiring or disposing land in Tanzania, contact our Team.